The Physiological Effects of Caffeine
is the most consumed psychoactive compound in the world. It is present
in many foods, beverages, medicines and supplements. Caffeine
containing foods and beverages have been consumed for a perhaps as long
as 700,000 years (Snyder 20). Caffeine is a highly effective stimulant
that has been shown to enhance mood, cognitive capability, alertness,
and enhance athletic performance. When ingested, caffeine produces a
number of effects on the central nervous, muscular, digestive,
respiratory, and cardiovascular systems of the body.
Metabolism of caffeine:
is a water soluble compound and therefore spreads through the body
rapidly to anywhere there is water. Additionally, caffeine easily
passes through cell membranes. These properties allow caffeine to
rapidly enter the blood stream where it is then cycled through the liver
(60 Snyder). In the liver the P45 enzyme system produces a number of
metabolites (Ruxton 16). This process happens over and over until all
the caffeine has been metabolized (60 Snyder). Less than six percent of
caffeine is expelled in urine and most of the drug is removed from the
body in about 12 hours following consumption (Ruxton, 15). The rate
caffeine metabolism can be altered by a number of other factors
including liver disease or use of other drugs (Snyder 61).
Caffeine and the central nervous system:
caffeine molecule is structurally similar to adenosine a chemical that
is present throughout the body. Adenosine can produce lethargy and
inhibits the release of neurotransmitters. When caffeine is ingested it
binds to receptor sites and allows nerve cells to fire
neurotransmitters more rapidly speeding up the communication between
cells. Additionally, when caffeine is metabolized by the liver the
chemicals axanthine and 1-methylxanthine are created. These metabolites
are found to be more effective than caffeine alone in taking the place
of adenosine at receptor sites and may enhance the drug’s effect (Snyder
Caffeine’s impact on mood, sleep, and cognitive function:
stimulant effects of coffee have been shown to have an impact on mood,
reduce drowsiness, increase performance on tasks requiring alertness,
decrease short term memory, and reduce performance on fine motor tasks.
While the effects of caffeine on sleep are well established, it
generally delays the onset of sleep and heavy use is associated with
insomnia, its effect on mood is less clear. It is known that caffeine
consumption affects a number of neurotransmitters other than adenosine
including noradrenalin, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, glutamate,
and gamma-amino butyric acid. It is unclear whether these changes to
neurotransmitters result in measurable changes to mood or cognition
(Ruxon 2008). Some studies report increased anxiety, tension,
depression, and anger while others do not. Other studies reported
increased vigor and alertness while others do not. It seems that the
effects on mood may vary depending on the individual (Snyder 80-83).
British Nutrition Foundation analyzed 23 studies involving the effect
of caffeine on mood and cognitive performance. These studies involved
varying doses of caffeine ranging from 37.5mg to 450mg given to users
along with placebo. The subjects were given cognitive and mood tests
before and after receiving their dose of caffeine. 17 of the studies
produced improved results in cognitive function. However, the studies
also showed mixed results relating to mood and most showed a decrease in
fine motor skills such as marksmanship (Ruxton 17-18).
Caffeine’s effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems:
that caffeine spreads throughout the body easily once ingested, it
affects many bodily functions. In the cardiovascular system caffeine
can raise blood pressure and heart rate. However, studies vary in
exactly how long this lasts. Most studies point to a short-lived
increase in blood pressure after caffeine ingestion and other studies
point to higher blood pressure among heavy coffee users. Variations in
the results of studies are likely due to a number of factors including
tolerance to the drug and individual sensitivity to caffeine (Snyder
Caffeine also affects the digestive system. It
stimulates secretion of stomach acid, slows passage of material through
the small intestine and speeds passage of the large intestine. The
secretion of stomach acid may be more pronounced in individuals with
ulcers. One study showed that normal people when given a 250mg dose of
caffeine have increased stomach acid production from 200mg per hour to
2000mg per hour while patients with ulcers had increased production from
300mg to 47000mg per hour (Snyder 89).
It is
often asserted that caffeine contributes to dehydration because caffeine
supposedly has diuretic properties. One study conducted by professors
at the School of Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University
took a look at past studies and literature on the diuretic effects of
caffeine. They found that most of the studies had been conducted with
caffeine itself rather than caffeine containing beverages such as
coffee, tea, or cola. Additionally, these studies were often conducted
in young, healthy, males and were inconsistent in regards to habitual
caffeine use (R.J. Maughan & J. Griffin 411). The Loughborough
University literature study reached three broad conclusions:
1. Large doses of caffeine exceeding 250mg can have an acute diuretic reaction.
2. Single caffeine doses equal to levels in most beverages have little or no diuretic action.
3. Habitual users experience little to no diuretic action (R.J. Maughan & J. Griffin 416).
British Nutrition Foundation conducted a similar study in which they
reviewed eight studies of caffeine’s impact on hydration between 1990
and 2006. These studies were conducted in healthy adults with double
blind placebo methodology. The author states that in theory caffeine
may have a negative effect on hydration because it increases blood flow
to the kidneys and inhibits re-absorption of sodium, calcium and
magnesium, thus expelling more water. However, Ruxton goes on to say
that this theory may be flawed because much of the research was done
with caffeine capsules and preformed on rats rather than humans (Ruxton
Recent studies cited by Ruxton produced almost
uniform results. There were some small differences in urine output
and body weight in users who consumed large quantities of caffeine and
no difference in those who consumed caffeine and performed an exercise
test. An example of caffeine’s effect on hydration is the most recent
study cited by Ruxton where 59 active male students abstained from
caffeine for six days. Over five days the students were given three or
six mg per kg bodyweight of caffeine. No impact on fluid electrolyte
balance was found (Ruxton 22).
Caffeine and physical activity:
has often been associated with improved exercise performance. Studies
have varied but many show improvement in sub maximal aerobic exercise
(distance running, cycling, ect.) while studies in anaerobic events
(sprinting, weightlifting, ect.) are less conclusive. The reasons
behind improvement shown in these studies are unclear. At rest caffeine
has shown to increase fat oxidation and body temperature causing more
fat to be used as energy (Snyder 88). It is speculated that during
aerobic exercise the increased fat oxidation will allow for preservation
of stored glycogen allowing one to exercise at higher level of exertion
for longer. Another theory is that caffeine may reduce the perception
of pain by releasing endorphins and thus allow participants to exercise
harder without realizing it (Goldstein et al, 5).
study looked at low doses of caffeine on nine male college students ages
19-25. The students were young, healthy, aerobically trained, and
indicated non-habitual caffeine use. After abstaining from heavy
exercise a day before the trial students were given either a placebo,
1.5mg/kg caffeine (equal to about 1.2 cups of coffee), or 3mg/kg of
caffeine 30 minutes before beginning to warm up. Exercise tests were
then performed at three different levels of exertion. Heart rate was
taken every 15 seconds. The study concluded that during low to moderate
intensities, caffeine contributed to a lower heart rate but no
significant difference was found at higher intensities (McClaran &
Wetter 11).
Another study took eight male distance
runners who competed regularly for over two years and compared their
results in an eight km race. The runners were on a controlled diet 24
hours before the race and refrained from alcohol, caffeine, and kept
training intensity light before competition. The runners either
ingested a placebo, 3mg per kg (of body mass) of caffeine, or no
supplement. The subjects than competed in an eight km race at maximum
effort (Bridge & Jones 434).
Throughout the race
heart rate was collected and following the race blood lactate and a
perceived exertion test was administered. Runners who ingested caffeine
showed an average improvement of 23.8 seconds. These results varied
from between ten to 61 seconds. Heart rates and blood lactate
concentration were significantly higher in the caffeinated runners.
These findings suggest that caffeine may change the perception of effort
by the runners (Bridge & Jones 435-436).
collection of ten studies between 1997 and 2006 by the British Nutrition
Foundation indicated similar results as well as some evidence that
caffeine may improve performance in anaerobic activities. Three of the
studies indicated that caffeine had no impact on performance while the
two studies that specifically tested for anaerobic qualities noted
significant performance improvement (Ruxton 21). Another study of
fatigue in tennis (primarily an anaerobic sport) noted some improvement
among both men’s and woman’s performance after consuming caffeine but
inconclusive because of the difficulty of testing tennis matches in
laboratory conditions (Hornery, et al. 208-209).
Medicinal use of caffeine:
pain medications such as aspirin often contain caffeine. The addition
of caffeine increases the effectiveness and reduces the time it takes
for the medication to take effect. Caffeine also increases the rate of
breathing and has been used in small amounts to help restore breathing
in newborn babies with sleep apnea. Studies have shown that caffeine
may aid in fertility by increasing mobility of sperm. Injections of
caffeine have been used to counteract opiate poisoning on the brain and
restore breathing of the user (Snyder 89-92).
Dangers associated with caffeine:
negative side effects have been reported when caffeine consumed in
moderate doses (up to 300mg or 2-3 cups of coffee) among a healthy
population. People with existing digestive problems may find these
problems get worse after consumption of coffee as coffee stimulates
stomach acid production (Snyder 89). Chronic use of caffeine in large
doses has been associated with insomnia, dependence, and in some cases
heart arrhythmias. Studies linking caffeine consumption to heart
disease and cancer are inconclusive (Snyder 105-108). Dependence is
psychological and also quite possibly physical. Chronic caffeine users
often report headache, lethargy, and anxiety when abstaining from use
(Snyder 99-100).
Studies have shown negative effects
when embryos of rats and mice were exposed to doses of caffeine. The
side effects included low birthweight, still birth, premature birth, and
birth defects. It is unclear if caffeine causes the same problems in
humans but caffeine will pass easily from mother to fetus. Many doctors
recommended that pregnant women reduce or eliminate caffeine from their
diet (Snyder 112).
Overdose from caffeine is
possible but extremely rare. The lowest known fatal overdose occurred
at a level of 3200mg administered intravenously. Fatal overdose from
oral consumption requires at least 5000mg (approximately 40 cups of
strong coffee consumed rapidly). Large amounts of caffeine result in
vomiting so the risk of fatal overdose from coffee or other beverages is
unlikely (Snyder 92-93).
Large doses of caffeine (>1000mg) have resulted in:
Rapid heart beat
Involuntary muscle contractions
Twitching of the heart
Low levels of potassium
High levels of blood sugar (Snyder 92-93)
is a widely used mild central nervous system stimulant that works
primarily by countering the effects of the chemical adenosine. To a
lesser extent caffeine influences a number of other physiological
processes in the body. For most people caffeine is safe if used in
moderation and is effective in combating fatigue, increasing cognitive,
and physical performance.
Sources cited:
C.A., & Jones, M.A. “The Effect of Caffeine Ingestion on 8km Run
in a Field setting”. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(4). (April 2006):
Goldstein, Erica, et al. “International
Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Caffeine and Performance”.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. ( Jan 27,
2010): P.5.
Hornery, Daniel J., Farrow, Damian. ,
Mujika, Inigo. ,& Young Warren (2007). “Fatigue in Tennis”. Sports
Med 37(3). (2007): 199-212.
Maughan, R.J., &
Griffin, J. “Caffeine Ingestion and Fluid Balance: a Review”.
J Hum Nutr Dietet 16. (2003): 411-420.
R. & Wetter, Thomas, J. “Low Doses of Caffeine Reduce Heart Rate
During Submaximal Cycle Ergometry”. Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition 4-11. (October 9, 2007): P11.
C.H.S. “The Impact of Caffeine on Mood, Cognitive Function,
Performance, and Hydration: a Review of
Benefits and Risks”. Nutrition Bulletin 33. (2008): 15-25.
Snyder, Solomon M.D. Caffeine: The Most Popular Stimulant. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992.
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