Welcome to The Vomiting Brain, a blog about nothing and everything headquartered in the remote syrupy northern enclave known as "Vermont".

Friday, February 26, 2016

Podcast 2/26/2016: Post-SC(R)/NV, Pre-SC(D)

In this episode, Vinny and I revisit our predictions of the Nevada caucuses, the Republican South Carolina primary, and make predictions for the Democratic South Carolina primary.


South Carolina predictions:
Clinton 54%
Sanders 40%

Clinton 58-59%
Sanders 40%

  • I said we are more segregated then ever... This is undoubtedly false.  The real story however, is less clear.  It's likely that many of us are more segregated in schooling than in the late 1960s. Bottom line:  It's nuanced.  Check out this 2003 UCLA study. 

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Podcast 2/20/2016: Originalism is Pure Applesauce/Scalia is Dead

In this episode, Vinny and I discuss the passing of Antonin Scalia, bizarre Supreme Court scenarios, the bogus idea of "originalism", and Scalia's conservative radicalism.




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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Podcast 2/20/2016: Nevada and South Carolina Prediction

In this episode, Vinny and I discuss where I actually agree with Donald Trump, the possibility of a fistfight in the next Republican debate, our predictions for the Republican South Carolina debate, and predictions for the Nevada Democratic and Republican caucuses.


SC Republican:

  1. Trump 35%~
  2. Cruz 25%~
  3. Rubio 15%~
  4. Jeb 9%~
  5. Kasich 8%~
  6. Carson 5%~
NV Democrats:
  1. Sanders by a hair
  2. Clinton
NV Republicans:
  1. Trump 45%
  2. Ted Cruz 25%
  3. Rubio 15%
  4. Kasich 10%

SC Republican:
  1. Trump 30-35%
  2. Rubio 20%~
  3. Cruz 19%~
  4. Jeb Who cares?
  5. Kasich Who cares?
  6. Carson Who cares?
NV Democrats:
  1. Sanders by a hair
  2. Clinton
NV Republicans:
  1. Trump 35-40%
  2. Cruz 20-25%
  3. Rubio 15%~
  4. Jeb 10%~
  5. Carson 5%~
  • Next Republican debate is 2/25/2016 on CNN

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Podcast 2/13/16: Post NH, Post Superbowl, and We Are Cyborgs

In this episode, Vinny and I discuss our NH primary predictions, the Superbowl, how Debbie Wasserman Schultz is doing her best to destroy the Democratic party, a clarification about the ACA, the last Democratic debate, the future, and more.

There is now a contact form at the bottom of the blog for questions, comments, insults, etc.



  • Jeb Bush getting bumped at the Rotary:


*Music is brought to you by Bensound.com

Sunday, February 14, 2016

David Brooks' Fantasyland

David Brooks via Wikimedia Commons
New York Times columnist David Brooks lives in a fantasyland.  Brooks, like most, is a product of his environment.  He's hobnobbed with the conservative elite of New York and Washington DC like the late William F. Buckley for years.  I would suggest that the circles Mr. Brooks inhabits has perhaps left him out of touch with the day-to-day reality most people face.  This has been clear for a while and is particularly evident this Friday as he writes in puzzlement on the millennial embrace of Bernie Sanders.  From his NYT column:
...Sanders would weaken the ability of members of the middle class to make choices about their own lives. He would raise taxes on the rich, but there is only so much money you can squeeze out of such a small group of people...
I'm not sure if Brooks realizes this, but the middle class has all but vanished thanks to many of the policies embraced by Brooks and those of similar ilk.  You know what hampers choice?  Relying on your employer to provide benefits that are universally guaranteed in other developed nations.  While it is true there is only so much money to be squeezed from the wealthiest among us, they are the ones who can afford to chip in a bit more for the system that has helped them amass such a level of wealth.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Podcast: 2/5/16 Post Iowa Pre-New Hampshire

In this episode Vinny and I discuss HSBCs $470 million cash settlement, the Pharma D-Bag, unemployment numbers, our predictions for Iowa, New Hampshire, the Superbowl, and more.

Our apologies for some audio trouble in the middle of the podcast.


NH Primary Predictions:
  1. Sanders
  2. Clinton
  1. Trump
  2. Bush
  3. Rubio
  1. Sanders
  2. Clinton
  1. Trump
  2. Rubio
  3. Cruz
Superbowl Predictions:
Carolina over Denver

Carolina over Denver


*Music is brought to you by Bensound.com

Monday, February 8, 2016

Random Acts of Socialism: 1798 An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seaman

By Gilbert Stuart - http://www.cowboybooks.com.au/pictures/JohnAdams.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=91133 (With my socialist addition)

Back at the founding of our country, those great Jesus-like men like John Adams determined that it was in the common good that we provide medical care to sailors coming into port.  Congress mandated a tax on shipping companies of $.20 per-month per-seaman.  With this money, the government set up hospitals at ports and treated those nasty sailors for scurvy, syphilis, and whatever other conditions they had acquired.

This was a blatant act of government interference with free enterprise, setting the stage for many acts of socialism to come.  It starts with treating a few sailors and ends with us all marching to a gulag.

Read the act here:  https://history.nih.gov/research/downloads/1StatL605.pdf

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Someone Get Jeb! a Puppy

I'm not sure there has ever a presumptive nominee of a major party that has embarrassed himself with such regularity and veracity.  He is regularly emasculated by Trump, suffering insults at every turn. He has spent at least $82 million dollars and best I can tell the only person he has convinced to vote for him is his mom. She seems luke-warm on the idea...

Just when I thought Bush couldn't do anything to embarrass himself further, he begs the crowd for applause...

I never thought I'd feel bad for a Bush, but I do.  Please someone, get this man a puppy!

Podcast 1-31-2016: Pre-Iowa

On this episode, Vinny and I ramble on about the Sanders candidacy, luke-warm progressives, Vermont gubernatorial candidate Matt Dunne, hot Supreme Court action, our Iowa predictions, and more.

Iowa Caucus predictions:
  1. Sanders 
  2. Clinton 
  3. O'Malley 

  1. Trump 
  2. Rubio 
  3. Cruz 

  1. Sanders 
  2. Clinton 
  3. O'Malley 
  1. Cruz 
  2. Trump 
  3. Rubio 
When speaking of the overthrow of Mossadegh, I misspoke and said the "Iraqi army" when I should have said "Iranian".
Allen Dulles' law firm was "Sullivan and Cromwell" not "Simon and Cromwell"
"The Devil's Chessboard" http://www.amazon.com/Devils-Chessboard-Dulles-Americas-Government/dp/0062276166/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1454520372&sr=1-1&keywords=the+devils+chessboard
"All the Shah's Men" http://www.amazon.com/All-Shahs-Men-American-Middle/dp/0471265179/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1454520442&sr=1-2&keywords=all+the+shah%27s+men
"The Siege of Mecca" http://www.amazon.com/Siege-Mecca-Uprising-Islams-Holiest/dp/0307277739/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1454520556&sr=1-1&keywords=the+siege+of+mecca
"The Seven US Ambassadors Killed in the Line of Duty"
Are agency fees for unions at public sector jobs a violation of free speech protections? http://blog.constitutioncenter.org/2016/01/supreme-court-tackles-key-public-union-case-on-monday/ Frederichs v. CTA.
History of first amendment protections for public employees: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/madison/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/FirstReport.PublicEmployees.pdf
Candidacy filings for president http://www.fec.gov/press/resources/2016presidential_form2pty.shtml
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's primary challenger Tim Canova https://timcanova.com/


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