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Friday, July 17, 2015

Today in Moronic Memes #3


The warmongers are all a fluster, as they won't get a chance (for at least today) to send someone else to fight an expensive and dangerous war on their behalf.  So now they must criticize substantive diplomacy because Iran=bad.  Ironically, the neo-conservative hawk's disdain for this deal is shared by the very people they are supposedly worried about:  The Mullahs in Iran.  They are kindred spirits of sorts, after-all if you've called someone evil for 36 years; it's awful hard politically to negotiate with them.  

The fact remains that opponents to this deal have only offered three alternatives:
  1. We bomb Iran which probably wouldn't be effective, would risk us getting involved in another drawn out conflict in the middle east, would almost certainly be expensive, and would compromise our ability to contain ISIS.
  2. We continue with sanctions which haven't worked in 36 years and haven't prevented Iran from working on developing a nuclear weapons or supporting terrorist organizations.
  3. We hold out for some sort of capitulation from Iran that is unspecified and we won't get anyway.  Negotiations are give and take and there are political obstacles to be overcome in Iran just as there are political obstacles here.
Here's some history the opponents of this deal may have forgotten:  Failed military adventures in Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq, and Libya.  Somehow, these war fetishers always manage to forget the numerous incidents of the failure of military force to advance foreign policy.  These are the same type of people who given the opportunity would have started a nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis.
Despite all the sabre rattling and posturing from these wannabe Rambos, they are by-and-large a group of scared people.  They're scared of Iran, they're scared of ISIS, they're generally frightened of brown people, they're scared to lose support of the Israel lobby, and mostly they're scared that Obama may go down in history as the most consequential Presidents since FDR, while they will be ridiculed as the morons that they are.
Of course, we can't trust Iran.  If we could trust Iran, these negotiations wouldn't be necessary in the first place.  On the same note, Iran probably has even less reason to trust us.  We overthrew their democratically elected president in a CIA orchestrated coup in 1953, subsequently supported a brutal monarch in the Shah, supplied Saddam Hussein with weapons during the Iran-Iraq war, shot down their airliner, levied economically devastating sanctions, and lumped them into an "Axis of Evil".  None of this is to say Iran isn't a pariah state, but let's have a little prospective.  You don't need to sign treaties with your allies.

This deal includes inspections and punishment for noncompliance it would be impossible for Iran to build a nuclear weapon without us knowing under the current deal.  Our ability to end all life on earth remains.  If the opponents of this deal have a better idea I'm all ears, if not then they should shut up.

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