Yesterday, ESPN reporter Adam Schefter published New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul's
medical records, showing that the player had his finger amputated after a fireworks mishap. Does anyone else have a problem with this?
Medical records are explicitly private and nothing in those records is remotely of public value despite Pierre Paul being a public figure. The only value here is ESPN Schefter getting to a story first and a conclusion that we all would have known about anyway after we saw the dude with a missing finger.
This isn't disclosure of a secret government surveillance program or corporate malfeasance. It is publishing records of something that someone should have 100% expectation of privacy. If you can't trust your doctors to keep their mouth shut then whom can you trust?
I haven't heard anything from ESPN yet on the ethics of this and honestly, I don't really expect to. They only care when you call
Roger Goodell a liar, a statement that is unquestionably true.
*Edit: I realize it probably was not a doctor who disclosed JPP's medical records. I doubt a doctor would risk his career for something like that.