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Friday, May 1, 2015

Vote in Your Primaries


There are choices in the next presidential election and better choices in the primaries.  There is the possibility (albeit unlikely), that radically different candidates in either party could secure the nomination for president.  This requires however, that voters actually show up for something other than the presidential election.  If you want choice, you must vote in your primary.

Our political system is enormously flawed.  Money plays a far larger road then it should, gerrymandering obscures the influence of districts, primaries are conducted in a weird and nonsensical manner, and the electoral college is a bizarre, archaic, and occasionally completely undemocratic, but that still doesn't change the fact that 30% of eligible voters turning out for a presidential primary is considered unusually high. 

Should all of this be easier?  Absolutely, but it is not.  We have to deal with the reality in which we actually live.  You cannot complain about the lack of choices if you do not get off your ass and utilize the system we have to make them.

I beg of you, please vote in your primary.  The thought of a choice between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton is like a choice between herpes and gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is the better option, but it still burns when you urinate and the antibiotics are getting less effective every day.

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