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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

That Was Awesome!

Malcolm Butler intercepts the Russell Wilson pass to win the game. Source:  http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/malcolm-butler-lauded-as-super-769069?amp

 What a game! I'm obviously biased, but that was the most exciting Super Bowl I can remember.  These were clearly the best two teams in the league and they delivered for 60 minutes. I have the following thoughts:

  • I think MVP should have gone Julian Edelman.  He had 9 catches, 109 yards, extended drives, took a brutal hit by Kam Chancellor and while almost certainly concussed continued running.  To top it off he scored the game winning touchdown.  Hell of a performance.
  • If the Seahawks won, I would've given the MVP to Marshawn Lynch.  Lynch is clearly the best running back in the NFL and most certainly was the most impactful player on the Seahawks.  He runs like Jim Brown; the guy can get tackled and still manage to fall forward for three yards.  Seattle probably should have given their best player the ball to tried and win the game especially against the average run defense of the Patriots.
  • I think people are making the call on the interception out to be worse then it was.  If they had scored people would say the play was brilliant because a run by Lynch was exactly what the Patriots were expecting.  I wouldn't have made the call, but the players could have executed better.  If no one is open, throw the ball in the dirt.
  • I'm not sure what to make of that halftime show.  Someone must have dosed me at the end of the second quarter.
  • Roger Goodell is awful.  This has be obvious for a while but it seems that every week this guy does something else.  How long does it take to actually tell us what the pressure of game balls is?  These were measured weren't they?  Aren't there cameras everywhere at the AFC title game?  None of this makes any sense.  
  • Even more ridiculous is that the NFL evidently threatened to fine Lynch $500,000 dollars if he missed media day.  Conversely, Goodell said he'd make himself available to the media all week and then couldn't be reached for comment. All this for the low, low salary of $44 million a year.
  • It's a crime that anyone in New England had to go to work on Monday morning. Firstly, it's the day after the Super Bowl people were still drunk and hungover.  Secondly, there was a blizzard (here at least) the next day and then we had those drunk and hungover people driving to work.  Not smart.  Finally, there is nothing more American than the Super Bowl; Monday should be a national holiday.
  • Turns out only one of the footballs was more than two PSI below allowable levels.  That seems like a really bizarre way to cheat.  So to all the accusers, I extend a middle finger toward you.
  • The Atlanta Falcons allegedly have been pumping noise into their stadium.  Imagine the uproar if the Patriots were accused of that?  I extend my other middle finger.
  •  That fourth quarter is the reason that I'd rather have Tom Brady than any other quarterback.  If it wasn't for the circus catch and then the interception Brady's final drive would be how that game was remembered.  I'm going to watch it again.

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