A funny thing happened on the way to... well, no where. A funny thing did also happen when people began using that spongy thing inside of their skulls to contemplate the attempt at a T.rump rally in Chicago though. Anyone reading this probably already knows what happened but for those of you who've just returned from drinking your own piss on Mars with Matt Damon, here it is: our future fuhrer T.rump tried to hold a rally on at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion (because it was totally reasonable for trumpets to believe this to be friendly turf) and a large assortment of Bernie Sanders supporters/#BlackLivesMatter activists/people who detest racism and bigotry first infiltrated the audience to the degree that they outnumbered the trumpets themselves, then engaged trumpet violence by meeting it in kind.
The most thought-provoking part, at least for me, happened the following day. Trumpets, and people who claim not to support such nonsense while supporting such nonsense, began crying about free speech. They claim T.rump's right to it was violated, that Sanders, Obama and Clinton orchestrated it, that protesters are "thugs" (code for the N-word of course), and all manner of other heinous things. Stripping away the layers upon layers of bullshit that wraps just about everything these people say and do, their argument is this: we must be tolerant of their views, even though the views and beliefs they espouse are that of intolerance. They believe all Muslims are terrorists, all Mexicans are rapists, all Central American unaccompanied child immigrants are here to steal their jobs, gays getting married are a mortal threat to their religion, unions exist solely to take their money, Bernie Sanders is a communist, all black people are definitely racist against whites but white racism ended long ago, so on and so forth. They simply refuse to tolerate this erosion of their idea of American values, that Jesus Christ himself the whitest person in history personally founded the United States so Christians can be free of anything and anyone they don't like save for those people they chose to own, and anyone who disagrees is definitely a member of the unholy alliance of the Gay Soviet Islamic Black Power State.
Did you know that civil disobedience is not a thing? Gandhi and Martin Luther King are definitely not the kind of people for whom you name streets and holidays. Of course this is all complete nonsense. It takes a special kind of delusion to go out and say that you utterly refuse to believe that terrorism perpetrated by a small group of assholes who will use their own delusions to attach demonstrably wrong concepts of Islam to them are anything more than just that: a small group of assholes with an incorrect interpretation of their religion. I don't understand how some of the people who will say "yeah Donald, Mexicans definitely are all rapists" will happily pay their daughters' plane tickets to Spring Break in Cancun. "But wait, because it's over there I don't have to see Mexicans here". This is what they really mean, for the few who haven't already understood that. But what can we do?
Tell them how dumb they are, to their faces. Take their intolerance and....well, don't tolerate it.
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