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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Will Sex-Bots Save Humanity?


From time to time, I engage in thought experiments concerning how weird the future will be.  I think about how humanity will cope with global warming, the enduring threat of global conflict, coming challenges from bacterial resistance, and the social, economic, and physical consequences from ever-improving artificial intelligence.  It is about the ever-improving artificial intelligence that I wish to expand upon today.  Artificial intelligence specifically relating to one thing that may save humanity or maybe destroy it:  Humanoid sex-bots.

Don't stop reading yet, I'm serious...Kinda.  Nevertheless I think there is hope that realistic artificially intelligent sex-bots could solve one of humanity's more pressing problems:  Climate change.  The worst possible thing an average person can do for the environment apart from like blowing up an oil rig or purchasing a coal plant is to have a child.  This isn't to beat up on parents, ultimately the goal is to perpetuate the species and having a child brings joy to many people, but it's undeniable in the broad sense that more people equals more pollution, particularly in high developed consumer driven societies like the United States.  I think that proliferation of highly realistic, highly attractive, and inexpensive sex-bots would do wonders to help keep the human population at the earth's carrying capacity.

Having a bunch of Kate Upton, George Clooney looking sex-bots running around, would certainly reduce the number of accidental births and make conceiving a child a very deliberate act.  Additionally, these sex-bots could help reduce the spread of STDs and maybe even lower the homicide and accidental death rates.  How many murders have occurred because of jealous lovers?  How many deaths have resulted from trying to impress the opposite sex?  More than a few.  

Furthermore, at least some jobs would be created to manufacture and provide tech support for the sex-bots.  Those jobs would be rather weird and probably replaced by other robots at some point.  Additionally, the world's oldest profession might be out of business, which is probably a good thing, although it is just one more job being automated, but what the hell, at the end of the day we'll all be replaceable anyway.

Overall, I'm convinced super realistic sex-bots would be a net positive for humanity.  Get on it Elon Musk.

Live long and prosper.

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